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Monday, August 1, 2011

FHF Borneo Posts

Borneo Dispatches #37: Bornean Short-tailed Python + Sundews


Jared said...

I'm not an member, but I saw your request for birding binoculars. I wasn't able to find your email, so I hope this is okay. A pair of binos have two numbers. Example: Nikon 8x40. First number is magnification (8x) and second is objective diameter in mm. To allow plenty of light (which I guess you'll need in tropical Borneo) I was always told you want about 5x difference. A 10x36 just won't allow in enough light to accommodate a 10x optics in shaded situations. I personally use a pair of discontinued Swift Kestrel 10x50's and love them. While some birders prefer 8x magnification (popular) many others prefer 10x. I'm with the latter camp. I would probably recommend to stay in that range. Anything less isn't enough; anything more might make it too hard to find your subject, keep the binos steady enough for a satisfying view, or make it difficult to gather enough light to support such a high magnification. I don't have any recommendations, but I would ask birding forums ( is great). Eagle Optics has a very knowledgable staff (might want to send them an email...they always get back!), but I'm not sure anything they recommend is available in Borneo??

Hope this helps somewhat.

Warren said...

A lovely life lived in links!

Warren said...

A lovely life lived in links!