Here are some impressions from the last two days, much of which I spent walking in the hills behind the house.
Roadside shrine
Shell ginger, Alpinia zerumbet
Phat Phungus
Treefern, Cyathea lepifera. Very common in these woods, and my favorite tree (although it's not a tree)
Medieval-looking tomato, Solanum aculeatissimum
No two ways about it - with a six-inch span from toe to toe, this golden orb spider (Nephila pilipe) is the baddest ass in the valley. I'm always fascinated with the shining black armor encasing the legs. If you look closely, you can
see her snacking on a freshly caught bluebottle.
Another knight in shining armor: Neolucanus swinhoei

Endemic Taiwanese Damselfly, Euphaua formosa. Love the racing stripes!
Papilio memnon heronus, one of the many papilio species around here
Symbrenthia lilaea formosanus, another endemic butterfly